Social - Emotional Curriculum


Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) at Trinity Episcopal Day School is a fundamental aspect of our commitment to the holistic development and well-being of our students. Through intentional SEL programs and practices, we provide a nurturing environment where students can cultivate essential skills for emotional intelligence, self-awareness, empathy, and positive relationship building. Our dedicated educators implement evidence-based strategies that promote self-regulation, conflict resolution, and effective communication, empowering students with the tools they need to navigate their emotions, make responsible decisions, and develop healthy social connections. SEL is woven into the fabric of our school community, fostering a supportive and inclusive culture that values the social and emotional growth of each student. At Trinity, we believe that by prioritizing SEL, we are equipping our students with lifelong skills and competencies that will contribute to their success and well-being in all aspects of life.

Responsive Classroom

At Trinity Episcopal Day School, we embrace the principles and practices of the Responsive Classroom approach, creating a positive and engaging learning environment where students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. The Responsive Classroom approach emphasizes the importance of building a strong classroom community, fostering a sense of belonging, and establishing clear expectations for behavior and academic success. Through morning meetings, collaborative activities, and shared experiences, students develop a strong sense of ownership and responsibility for their learning and classroom environment. Teachers implement responsive teaching practices that promote active engagement, meaningful relationships, and a growth mindset, ensuring that every student feels valued and supported. The Responsive Classroom approach at Trinity enhances students' social skills, self-confidence, and academic achievement, creating a nurturing and empowering educational experience for all.